15 cm (Length) x 15 cm (Width) x 1 cm (Height)
50G N-HANCE WG Metsulfuron-methyl 20%
N-HANCE WG is a modern herbicide of the sulfonylurea group for the control of sedges and broadleaf weeds, N-HANCE WG is a selective herbicide, meaning that it can control target broadleaf weeds, grasses, trees, and invasive brush while doing no harm to select desired grasses.
Metsulfuron-methyl is an organic compound classified as a sulfonylurea herbicide, which kills broadleaf weeds and some annual grasses. It is a systemic compound with foliar and soil activity, that inhibits cell division in shoots and roots
* Equivalent to Ally Chemical for the below stubborn weed (Racun serupa dengan racun Ally untuk rumput rumput degil seperti di bawah):
- Melastoma malabathricum (Senduduk)
- Paspalum conjugatum (Rumput Kerbau)
- Asystasia intrusa (Akar ruas ruas)
- Ageratum conyzoides (Rumput Tahi Ayam)
- Hedyotis verticillata (Lidah Tiong)
- Pennisetum polystachion (Rumput Gajah)
- Clidemia hirta (Akar Kala)
- Ottochloa nodosa (Rumput Pait)
- Minkania micrantha (Ceroma)
- Calopogonium caeruleum (Kekacang Penutup Bumi)
* Dillution method may vary with different crops - dillution guidance is attached with the product label as shown (Cara campuran berbeza dengan rumput rumput yang tak sama)
* Kindly read the label before usage (Sila baca label sebelum diguna)
* Direct dealer from the factory (Direct dealer dari kilang)
***** WARNING *****
DO NOT apply if rainfall is expected within 6 hours of spraying.
DO NOT store tank ready mix
DO NOT store the prepared spray for more than 2 days.
Results may be slow to appear and may not be visible for 3-6 weeks.
View more about 50G N-HANCE WG | RACUN RUMPAI | HERBICIDE | 除草剂 (CP) on main site